You are beginning an application for the Honors Ambassadors and Seminar Assistant roles. You WILL NOT be able to go back to previous questions in this application. You can save, exit, and start the application again where you left off.

If you would like to prepare for questions before you progress through the application, a full list of the questions that you will see in the application are included below. There will be spaces for answers to these questions further in the application. 

  • General contact information

  • All Honors students are required to complete 4 ELEs (Enhanced Learning Experiences) in order to graduate with University Honors. Please list your most meaningful activities and involvement (no more than 4) and briefly share how these experiences have enhanced your education. Include how these experiences apply to your ELE curriculum. If you have not yet submitted your ELE or these activities are still in progress, feel free to share how you plan to use your current involvement for your ELE curriculum. Limit your answer to 250 words.

  • If applying to the seminar assistant position:

    • Information on faculty placement preference

    • Using your experience in HNRS 190/195 for context, share a specific idea that you would like to implement in your classroom if selected as an Honors Seminar Assistant. How do you hope that this idea would impact the experience of students in their first year at KU or first semester in the Honors program? Please limit your response to 250 words.

  • If applying to the ambassador role:

    • What is one piece of advice that you would provide to a prospective student to help them decide if the University Honors Program is right for them? Please limit your response to 250 words.

  • (IF APPLYING FOR SEMINAR ASSISTANT OR BOTH POSITIONS) Name and email of your reference (who you will share the reference form with:

The expected time commitment for Seminar Assistants is 1-2 hours/week and 4-5 hours/month for Honors Ambassadors.

Select the semester you anticipate graduating