Recruitment Statement for Research Participation
Anna Pope, a professor of Psychology is inviting you to participate in this research study.
The title of this study is
the effects of audio on attention and behavior.
The purpose of this study is to
investigate reactions to an audio clip, responses to a resource distribution scenario, and responses to general attitude questionnaires.
Your participation in this study will involve reviewing audio clips, a short distribution task, and some questionnaires. You will be asked to answer some general questions about your personality and demographic characteristics. As these questions may be sensitive for some participants, you have the right to not answer any questions that you are uncomfortable responding to.
Your participation should take no longer than 15 minutes total.
The risks to you as a participant are minimal.
These include
possible boredom, fatigue, loss of time, minor discomfort, and loss of anonymity. To minimize the risk of boredom, fatigue, minor discomfort, and loss of time, the study will be kept as short as possible. To minimize the risk of loss of anonymity, multiple security measures are in place (SSL encryption, firewall protection, password only access). Also, please do not include any identifying information on the materials, such as your name, Social Security Number, ID number, or birth date.
The results of this study may be published in scientific research journals or presented at professional conferences.
However, your name and identity will not be revealed and your record will remain
To retain anonymity, your data will not have any identifying information placed on it (such as your name, Social Security Number, or birth date).
Participation in this study
will not benefit you directly.
Your participation may benefit others by providing useful information to the scientific community concerning attention and personality.
You can choose not to participate.
If you decide not to participate, there will not be a penalty to you or loss of any benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.
You may withdraw from this study at any time.
If you have questions about this research study, you can call
Anna Pope at 913-897-8435
or email her at If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you can call the University of Kansas Institutional Review Board at 785-864-3441 and reference IRB # .