Contact Information

Are you affiliated with KU? *

Event Date/Time

Please note that events not scheduled within regular gallery hours (listed below) will incur additional security fees and may not be possible due to staffing restrictions. A minimum of 1 hour will be added to start time and end time for setup and cleanup.

Gallery Hours:
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: 10AM–5PM
Thursday: 10AM–8PM
Saturday and Sunday: 12–5PM

Event Information

Event type (Select all that apply): *


Select all that apply: 
Is the event public or private? 
Will food and beverages be provided? 
**Catering arrangements must be made through KU Catering.**
Do you wish to serve alcohol? 
**Permission must be secured through KU Dining a minimum of 2 weeks in advance.**

Gallery Experiences

Would you like your event to include experiences in the Museum’s galleries for your guests?